Performing tricks with RC Helicopter

If you are flying RC helicopters, the next step that you are more likely to learn to do tricks. There are a number of tricks, with RC helicopters can be done, and everyone is just as exciting as the next. Performing tricks are for experienced pilots, so if you're just starting out, learn the basics of flying RC helicopters at first.
Split-S. This is a mid-cycle and half roll. Either the loop or the roll may be in the first place, followed by others. IfThey roll to inverted first pull out the right side with a loop and a half. Having half cycle is reversed, then scroll to the right, to gain height.
Tic-Toc. If you can see from the helicopter as the arm is attached to a metronome, you make a Tic-Toc. Alternate collective and positive lift back with negative collective and forward elevator to maintain altitude.
Death spiral. This is when you go from a hover up to 90 degrees bank with zero collective and zeroSpeed, then give way to the front or back elevator only for as long as possible. Adjusted at any time by the banks on the contrary, as we must start from the bench. Do not wait too long, can not keep the tail and the helicopter swoop.
Luna added. This is when you go through the motions of a cycle, but it seems, so there is really stretched to loop. Enter as a regular cycle. If you are vertically by 1 / 4 cycle, add a lot of negative, so that it maintains its forecastMomentum. Hold the elevator constantly all the time. He will fly back to the end inverted for a few seconds, but hold the elevator. As the helicopter points down to begin, a lot of positive collective and level off.
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